What October Means
October is a month when witches recognize the veil between the Seen and the Unseen is thinnest, and for this reason, ancestors are connected with, spirits communed with, deities adored. Those who honour the lunar calendar may see October as the latter half of Autumn, having just celebrated the Mid Autumn Festival on September 21 this year. October is a month that holds endings and beginnings. And for this reason, I wanted this issue to hold you in the ways where you may feel flux. I've included some remarks on the symbolism of home, notes on my favourite plants to cross thresholds with, a hearty carrot cake with adaptogens recipe, a transcription of a conversation between Lisa Anderson Schaffer and myself on the topic of longing.
I'm also tremendously EXCITED my new series, EVOKING YOUR BUSINESS + PROJECT, kicks off October 3! Ceremonie as a business started the last few days in December 2015, while I was on parental leave with my second child, with no formal business school training, no business plan (or any other plan for that matter), a very modest amount of ‘rainy day’ savings, and no ‘special connection’ in the industry. I launched with only one client (my mom), and Ceremonie has since grown to have a meaningful, global reach. My work has been celebrated by Goop, Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, and Refinery29, and has appeared on over 30 podcasts including Almost 30, Hey Girl, So You Think You’re Intuitive, and Healers without employing a PR agency to make these connections.
Instead, I approached my business through the animist’s lens of collaboration, where decisions were made collectively with Nature, my ancestors and other spirit allies, and where I worked with a combination of trust, grit, a willingness to stay receptive, and while embracing of chaos magick and other forms of esoteric craft. I did things differently. I held meetings with my ancestors and other supportive spirits. I blocked off days when I anticipated my menses as days off / space for intuitive downloads. I built in self-care into the structure of my business. And yes, I worked hard, though I never felt alone, because I never am. The EVOKING YOUR BUSINESS + PROJECT Series covers business and project launching essentials that you will indeed benefit from, but even more importantly, I am keen on witnessing you allowing yourself to love what you love doing and to bring that love fully to life in a circular way, with support from the supernatural.
Skin + Aura Care production is back in full swing!
Thank you, as always, for your support!
Read October's issue of UNSEEN Magazine HERE.
Founder, spirit communicator, and Wu shamanic occultist