What Are Sigils?
Traditionally speaking, sigils are a form of magick that holds the energy that is accessed through a specific intent and ritual. Sigils are often created by combining letters, symbols, shapes into an abstract design that is charged with energy of the desire. Common purposes include protection, peace in a home, recovery and healing, success on a project, and so forth.
Why are sigils effective spellwork?
In my experience—both personally and within the Homing Coven—, sigils are fabulous tools for enduring magick because they are energies given a body—a form—and it’s the form itself that grows in energy, so that they carry more longevity that some other forms of spells. Through the ritual of creating the sigil, we've moved the energy from the space of potential into a space of incarnation, as the energy now has a shape and a physicality.
Sigils are reminders that magick directly relates to our bodies, to the 3D, to the Land that holds us. In the Homing Coven, we also discuss how this can hold the individual as well as the group. Energies potentiated, energies acknowledged, energies conceived into form, energies birthed into the physical. Such is sigil work. A deeply joyous, creative, and intimate act. The Yin invites us, we respond and penetrate, fluids exchanged, and the intention given form. Such is sigil work.
Homing Coven is an e-community that values greater intuition, reawakening to our singular and collective purposes, and living animistically with the deeper world. It takes people—humans and more-than-human—being together, listening and re-generating. It's not going to be one of us, one person, that comes and changes things. It’s going to need to be collaborative.
We gather because we desire and believe in the world, where everything is alive and spirits speak, where we recognize and apply our intuition and other gifts, personally and communally.
“The coven is a Witch’s support group, consciousness-raising group, psychic study center, clergy-training program, College of Mysteries, surrogate clan, and religious congregation all rolled into one …whose members share deep commitment to each other and the Craft.”
— Starhawk, The Spiral Dance
Large group gatherings, cohort magick support groups, free access to the Magick of Tea monthly sessions and seasonal access to Ceremonie's On-Demand Library. Sliding scale contributions with monthly and annual options.