The “Goddess look”, long, flowing hair, supple skin, round-breasted, full hips, ankle-length dress, gracious with flowers in hand, maybe a wild beast nearby, sunlight peaking through — You know the ‘look’...
But, what if another kind of woman was portrayed? Short hair, no hair? Thin, lanky figure? Wrinkled, tired skin? Barren, burned, dusty landscape? In pants? Or how about in club wear? Unshaved legs or shaved? (I add this because more than once, I’ve been given disapproving glances and even been told blatantly by “spiritual women” that because my legs look smooth, that I have “sold myself out to patriarchy” — nevermind that maybe it’s not even from shaving; many of Taiwanese heritage don’t have that much body hair). Or someone who takes zero notice of looks? Does being spiritual have a ’look’?
Consider the idea of a “good” woman or “bad” woman. How we need to choose between the Abundance Huntress, Good Mother, Sultry Vixen or the Hag of Death, as if they are tidy categories. These aspects are separated and further reduced to stereotypes, then packaged as “this is how women should be” in the most insidious ways. It’s always about “or” with patriarchy rather than “and”. Patriarchy cannot accept oneness. This is why the system works to fragment, and then pegs the fragments against each other.
I’m not dismissing choice or options. I think choice and options in many contexts are helpful and empowering. But to fall into patriarchy’s demand to choose one over another — be it a “look”, an identity, a personality, a single aspect — this type of choosing is not really choosing; it is separating.
But Goddess knows what she wants — her blood, her bounty, her prophecy, her compassion, her apathy, her ecstasy, her unrestrained rage, her wildness, her serenity, her mystery— these are all Her. All are Her, all are Her, all are Her. She is unfixed, paradoxical, and all encompassing.
The Goddess wears many different sacred faces.
Mimi Young founder and Spirit Communicator
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