Some Helpful Prompts for Energetic Self-Regulation
How does music impact your body and frame of mind?
What type of music soothes you? Drains you?
How does imagery, particularly moving images affect your intuition?
Is there a correlation between imagery and your emotions?
Which emotions, when felt in the body, feed you?
Which deplete?
How often do you scan your aura?
What helpful cues in your body / intuitive sense can be reminders to scan your aura more?
How much intuition / psychic activity is controlled by you, and how much “happens to” you (without your active involvement)?
Do you experience synesthesia?
(a perception phenomenon when one sense is co-perceived by another, eg sounds having scents)
If you experience synesthesia, are you aware of how it impacts you psychically?
Do you work longer / sustain attention longer than you would ideally like to?
What do you do to help yourself work longer / sustain attention longer?
What key energies do you hold as your baseline?
What key energies do others perceive you having as your baseline?
In what ways do you feel responsible for other people's perceptions?
If you're looking to practice working with the prompts from above, consider joining us for…
Managing Our Energy + Psychic Bodies
2-part live-stream group immersion + practice (with replay)
June 7 + 9 from 6-8PM PST
early bird savings until May 13
Areas explored:
The exploitation and over-harvesting (deforestation) of intuition and psychic gifts
Personal energetic and psychic capacity
Aura scanning, tending, and restoring
How to scan and monitor your energy levels from a place of self-connection and compassion
Energetic data-points to identify, collect, document, and review
Somatic-Emotional inventory
Holding space for ourselves before/while we hold spaces beyond ourselves
Boundaries as fluid allies rather than fixed fences
Helpful self-talking points to manage energy and time expectations and demands
The restorative wisdom of the Wu-Xing (The 5 Phases within Chinese esotericism)