Plants For The Witches New Year
There are plants who settle, who calm, who awaken, who invigorate, who quench, who stir, who help recall, who help inspire...
There are also plants who invite us to cross thresholds. Friends who love to be there when we say yes, or say no, who love to witness us turn pages and open doors. There is power in numbers, and with plants, it is no different.
As so many of us witches, psychic mediums, magick practitioners, and Moon worshippers are celebrating the Samhain / Halloween season, traditionally seen as the Witch's New Year, let us be reminded that we are not alone.
A few of my favourite plants to cross thresholds with:
• Vetiver: To root and to centre
• Carrot Seed: Seed as a form of hope — calling clarity for one or a group
• Patchouli: To dance with Change and the Unknown
• Cedar: To offer solidity and strength
• Rosemary: To re-member as we begin again
• Orange: To release burdens and restore joy
• Eucalyptus: To circulate and accelerate
• Geranium: To affirm the frightened inner child
More articles like these can be found on my monthly e-journal, UNSEEN Magazine.
Founder, spirit communicator, and Wu shamanic occultist