"Not only are magical texts among the oldest surviving pieces of literature, but many scholars and anthropologists suggest that it was the need to record spells and divination results that stimulated the very birth of writing."
—Judika Illes
A single word is a conscious, focused attempt to communicate with another. A desire to be heard and in relation with. When one strings a word with another word, and yet another, is a form of power; in many ways, a sentence is an early form of spellwork.
This means that though candles, crystals, herbs, flowers, perfume, chalices, wands, body fluids, under the Sun or the Moon, are all tools of magick, so are words.
If you have words in you, then you can cast spells. Change what isn't working. Grow what is. No single government, corporation, or billionaire space ship owning bro can own your words or have a monopoly on them…
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