Lin 林 means forest
My name is Mimi. Family name is Lin 林, though also now Young (through marriage).
Lin 林 means forest, and I love how my Taiwanese ancestral story ties in allyship with trees, how there may be chapters of movement from land to land in search of safety, that trees speak a universal language of presence and companionship.
My earliest recalled animistic-psychic experience was with trees, when I was about 3 years old, after I had emigrated from Taipei to Vancouver.
Yesterday was this year's Chīngmíng Jié (The Day of Pure Brightness aka Tomb Sweeping Day), a day to commemorate our ancestors. My Yeh Yeh passed on last spring, and while I have not yet returned to Taiwan to visit his tomb because of Covid, I did spend some time at my altar to show respect to him, and my other ancestors.
Though I may use terms like animist, intuitive, spirit worker, and witch to describe who I am/ what I do, those words can mean so many different things to folks, so let's find another way:
I feel, see, smell, and hear the hidden deeply, with accuracy.
I hold space and spaces.
I am favouring "both/and" more than "good/bad" / "this/that".
I am a devotee to the Unseen.
I love botanicals, and Tea is my fave Teacher.
I am here to celebrate your path through holding, reading, guiding, and educating.
In my opinion, the medium (modality) is not the message; the messages from your inner depths and from the spirits are what matters.
What's fun for me lately:
Purposeful receptivity.
Spring foraging.
Deeper love with Tea.
Communal spirit communication (especially through the current Prayers + Devotions in Animism Series - not too late to enroll!).
Many of us are feeling fatigued by social media, Substack and information-overload, as creators and consumers, myself included. It's a lot of generating for just one person, and sometimes I wonder who is out there!
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With gratitude,