January 2023: An exit of the Tiger and the entrance of the Rabbit
It's utterly freezing as I write this in my studio. Winter is humbling. Yet, it's a season I hold a perennial love affair with; the light is cherished, and the darkness invites closeness. The Yin season is a place where sunken hearts can rest, and when the land rises again, the hearts lift as well. To let the quiet voice of Yin speak! The beauty of the new year is defiant against the harsh realities, and for now, may the beauty swallows us whole.
This January holds two significant portals: an exit of the Tiger and the entrance of the Rabbit. As such, this month will honour grief and celebrate life; there will be altars of recognition, and altars to lay memories to rest.
I feel the magick of this month rests in granting ourselves the permission to sit with these sacred animal custodians. One deeply Yang, to the point of exaggeration, and the other one very Yin. When these two forms come together, it may feel thunderous or scattered, chaotic and muddied, and yet, regardless of the temperature, we must still walk through these doors.
So the invitation here is not whether if we will walk through, but how.
And so may these words be a prayer for you, for me, for us.
May we walk softly.
Moving without force.
May we sway to the wind like tall grasses, yielding to the flow.
And may this yielding be a strength, as rooted grasses.
Or as a tree, graceful against all odds.
May we know we are safe.
May we take pleasure.
May we offer refreshment.
Let us walk on bridges, pulling severed spaces back together.
May the auspicious streams flow.
May we drink from it with ease.
May we trust that fluidity is the glue.
May our bodies take rest.
May our steps be sure footed.
Not because we always know, but because the land knows us, removing the obstacles along the way.
We may be new here, but not the ones who came before us.
Let us befriend Rabbit, just as we were students of Tiger,
For extra measure, may Luck always be our psychopomp.
And yet, may we be free of attachments to what is, who is, where is.
May we find our slow.
May we trust our fast.
May we see our ancestors throughout our bodies.
May our hearts know peace.
May home always be there. Here. Where we are.
Mimi xo
Animist-spirit medium and founder of Ceremonie
Join us to honour the upcoming Lunar New Year. I’ve put together two events to welcome the Water Rabbit!
For SPELLWORK, there's
Magick of Tea: A Lunar New Year's Spell
Saturday, January 21 from 9:30AM-11:30AM PST
Hybrid: in-person at O5 Tea (Vancouver) + live-stream with replay
An esoteric Tea Sit harnesses the Lunar New Year’s Eve by tying loose ends, spirit-cleansing the spaces we hold, a co-created spell of possibilities for the year ahead.
Year of the Water Rabbit: Forecasts for the Lunar Year + Ancestral Offerings
Sunday, January 22 from 6-8PM PST
Live-stream with replay
A Lunar New Year e-gathering to welcome the Water Rabbit, present offerings to our ancestors + other Old Ones, and receive forecasts for the year ahead.