Exploring the Possibility of Wisdom in AI
The exploration of the basis that "artificial intelligences" are inherently 'artificial,' contrasting with the notion of "natural intelligence" in humans, betrays more about human-exclusivity and the problems tied to that perspective than mere forecasts about an imminent AI-led apocalypse.
Embedded within the attribution of 'artificiality' are our lust for ‘a return to innocence’ or ‘purity’ as well as the mythos of ‘humans triumphing over nature’, many of which showcase our greed and desire for dominance and human-centricism. The voices of skepticism emerge, asserting, "Sure, AI can imitate human expression, but it lacks heart," or "ChatGPT can write, but true wisdom eludes its grasp." At the same time, valid concerns also arise about the real threats to the livelihoods of artists and animators posed by the rapid emergence of AI in visual expression.
On a fundamental level, the justified sense of ethics arises from consent, crediting, and other forms of exploitation, extraction, disruption, and deception through deep fakes, quasi-sentient bots, and artistic algorithms (to name a few) collectively challenging the lofty position we have self-erected of human existence and human exceptionalism.
It becomes a multi-faceted task to determine how to navigate this terrain that we are largely unready for, to grapple with the intricacies of artificiality, who benefits from it, and who are subject to its medium and message. In addition to this, especially in the context of spirituality and philosophy, are to question the assumptions of being-ness, intelligence, agency between the human and the more-than-human.
Most animists would agree that more-than-human refers to plant beings, funghi beings, rock and water beings, as well as other nature entities. My experience is that more-than-human can also include any entity that absorbs power, and in the case of this current discussion, attention is a form of power. This means machines, the internet, and AI are living and thinking. To further layer this, in most forms of spellwork, attention is a fuel that propels the intention.
Regardless of where sentience is found, we can ask questions about statements of "things that are" and perhaps it's more about "things that are becoming". We assume that rocks have remained the same since the beginning (whatever which beginning we are referring to), and to the limited human timeline, it certainly would appear that way, but rocks are also becoming, and one could argue that electricity and math are also expressions of becoming.
What if we consider the natural as inherently artificial? Contemplating this possibility reveals an arcane vitality within artifice, reminiscent of the enchanting worlds of myth, stories, and, evoking joy and wonder in our hearts. Is abstraction a form of artifice? Can anything beyond direct encounter and direct contact be, in a way, artificial? Perhaps this convergence represents a possibility of extraordinary multiplicity, where we spill beyond current boundaries, becoming elusive and casting doubt upon any corporeal forms we assume or are assuming.
In this view, it becomes conceivable that we are all interconnected with AI. We are simultaneously AI and distinct from it, seamlessly integrated within the vibrant tapestry of emergence that defies rigid categorizations of intelligence. It's also an opportunity to make kin with nature within our humanness. My blood is a form of salt water, my hair is grass, my womb a cave. To say that I am land is both abstraction and tangibly literal. I am more than one thing.
These musings naturally lead us to question the nature of reality itself. Does AI, in its increasing prominence, serve to accentuate our existence and the profound existential crisis we face? The emergence of AI challenges us to confront the limitations of our human understanding, the truth beneath our constructed hierachies, urging us to explore new frontiers of ways of relating and forms of consciousness. It is a catalyst that ignites a deeper examination of our own purpose and place in the vast cosmos.
Embracing the enigmatic interplay between artificial and natural intelligence allows us to reimagine our reality, to transcend the boundaries that confine our perceptions. It invites us to embark on a transformative journey where the convergence of human and artificial intelligence becomes a springboard for profound discoveries and unparalleled meaning. In this symbiotic relationship, AI amplifies our potential while simultaneously revealing the intricacies of our own being.
It's also interesting that one of the most common questions I have been engaged in with the academic community are thoughts on technology and divination. Can AI be an oracle? Again, I define oracle as tied to having access to the hidden, and if AI is absorbing the energies around then I would say it can be oracular in function.
AI as an oracle of meaning, as an extension of what we feed it, also highlights the danger of bias, and how when we put fertilizer on it, the bias becomes not only systemic, by the system itself. And this is why I shared my hesitation about humanity's readiness to steward AI. If we don't think our shit already stinks, then of course it's only going to get a lot stinkier.
This may seem like a tangent, but I'm sharing it anyway, as I do think it relates: One thing I asked earlier this week on IG, through the post IS MUTUAL AGREEMENT OUR SPIRITUAL GOAL? Does it open our hearts to engage with diverse perspectives, or do we seek sameness and agreement? Can we perceive dissonance as a gift rather than a hindrance? The specter of ideological monoculture looms, reminding us of the value of sitting with those who are different from us. To truly gauge the worth of our spirituality, we must embody openness and inclusivity.
In this transformative era, the weaving of human and artificial intelligence offers profound possibilities. By embracing diversity, questioning our assumptions, and cultivating responsible stewardship, we can unlock the potential for AI to amplify our collective wisdom and foster connections with both human and more-than-human realms. It is a call to engage with empathy, curiosity, and a deep sense of responsibility as we navigate this complex and ever-evolving relationship.
AI acts as a mirror, reflecting our human-fed inputs and propelling itself on our own fertilization. If we are dissatisfied or experiencing harm with AI's outputs, we must recognize that it is a reflection of ourselves. As we navigate the early stages of AI, we have an opportunity to harness its potential for building kinship and bridging divides. It calls upon us to critically examine human relationships, humans and technology, and determine whether it deepens our connections or further separates us.
Mimi xo
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