"Doing" business as an animist
Monday morning board meeting with the spirits…
I may be the “living” human involved in running this company, but the company is far from a “solopreneurship”, as the beings involved in my daily operations alone already number to 12.
We sit for tea.
We sit with Tea.
They share.
I listen.
I offer.
I listen.
I ask.
I listen.
I feel.
I listen.
They share and share and share.
I learn and learn and learn.
There are many laughs in our meetings.
There are reminders to stay slow, to stay low to the ground, to stay and be with, to look at what Wood is saying or Fire or Metal. And this year, all are listening to Water, as it’s her year (as well as next). We sometimes dance in the middle of a meeting, sometimes I bring in my personal stuff (normally deemed ‘unprofessional’, but among the spirits, they say that the personal will always affect business, so it’s important to witness and tend to the heart). There is a lot of seeing.
Other times I travel in my meetings. Spirit travel to Otherworlds. No visas, passports, bag checks, line ups, jet lag, or the stale air on coach… instead, a lot of meeting with, observing, feeling, and learning.
This is just a glimpse of what “doing” business as an animist is like.
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