5 Best Practices for Ethical Spirit Work
Also Useful In Telling the Difference From Legit Psychic Mediums from Charlatan Spiritual Teachers
I’m an animist spirit medium. I provide spirit readings (oftentimes in the form of necromancy - communicating with the dead, including ancestors and other spirit guides), as well as extensively teach about spirit work, shamanic journeying, divining with both Tarot and I Ching traditions, magick practices, and hold space for an online witches coven, called Homing Coven.
Truth be told, spirit communication and magick work are always going to be partial. No intuitive healer, shamanic practitioner, psychic medium, or astrologer, no matter how legit and skilled, can see it all. We can only approach things with integrity and a commitment to be receptive to a fuller spectrum of possibilities. Humans can’t hear all frequencies of sound (compared to some animals, such as dogs, who can hear other frequencies), the act of spirit work and engaging in magical rituals is about tuning in, listening, and receiving that which is here this very moment, or to a specific future potential, that’s emerging. This limitation isn’t even really a limitation. We’re here to be humans, to be vulnerable, to practice trust, and common sense in working with what we’re given.
And yet, there’s some important best practices that those engaging in spirit communication, channeling, and mediumship work should practice, especially when approaching this professionally, in the service of clients. We want to avoid “McSpirituality” or other forms of “low calorie” spirituality, not only because it disrespects these practices that are rooted in tradition, folk cultures, and the land, it also can potentially discredit legitimate spirit workers.
I share 5 best practices for ethical psychic work (and examples)
NO to Mistaking Clever Marketing /Packaging, the Visual, and “Stuff” as the Real Thing.
I've noticed that some in this field often lean into theatrics and certain devices. This can include adhering to fashion stereotypes of a witch (long hair, black dress, tattoos), equating a specific aesthetic decor with credibility, or believing that possessions like crystals, jewelry, and elaborate altars define their skill. For me, I don’t have a “witch aesthetic”; I have a “Mimi aesthetic”, meaning, I wear what I like and what’s comfortable. My altars are kept simple and minimalistic.
NO to Using Vague Language, Buzzwords or Other Jargon.
Using words that hold great resonance and on-trend buzz can arouse emotions and enthusiasm, but ultimately offer little for actual meaning and actionable steps. The use of pseudo science, such as decontextualized facts, or the invention of new words for vague concepts can make one appear informed or even specialized in their knowledge. Fuzzy, yet alluring promises that prey on people’s vulnerabilities or deepest desires can seduce people. Likewise in the context of psychic readings, in my experience, when working with spirits, they offer specific information that is practical and contains actionable insight. Spirits are not interested in sugar-coating information or providing alluring yet empty guidance. My shamanic readings do not contain ambiguous words or vague advice from spirit guides; rather, the spirit guidance is specific, precise, and relevant to the individual’s situation. A spirit would never say “Shifts are coming your way”, because the fact is, all our lives will contain shifts and change. Instead, when you work with me, your spirit guides may share that “Change in the form of where you live will come to surface in the next 3-6 months. They suggest to move eastward”.NO to Emphasizing Feeling Over Responsibility
Spiritual bypassing is real. When healers, spiritual teachers, or intuitives overly focus on a client’s feelings, and even encourage over-attachment to emotions, what happens is that people mistake spiritual experiences for only what feels good or the other extreme, that healing must be dramatic and excruciating for the heart. My suggestion is to take a balanced approach by acknowledging how we feel, while also being able to develop resilience around discomfort and the need to take ownership. When we equate feelings with “the work”, what happens is that we become not only addicted to feelings, but we are completely at the mercy of emotions. We blame others when we feel bad, and we cling to those who temporarily make us feel good.NO to Avoid Us-Vs-Them Dynamics
I find that when spiritual leaders or space holders set up “us-vs-them” or “low-vibes-vs-high-vibes” dynamics that we run into the danger of people feeling they belong to a “special” club, unified by a bond of common goals (or common hatreds or common biases). The “them” could be those who eat meat, those who are “low vibes”, those who “are not resonating with us”, those who are “divisive politically”, and so forth, but the idea is aways to manufacture an enemy that exists “out there” in order to strengthen the bonds on the “inside” / within the “club”. In the context of psychic readings, avoid mediums or intuitives who only can give advice by “othering” or “cancelling” people.NO to Scare Tactics
Using fear tactics to create urgency or undermine someone's confidence in their decision-making is unethical. For example, a scammer might falsely claim you’re cursed and that only they can remove it with a banishing spell. In contrast, a sincere and skilled medium won't scare or overwhelm you. They’ll guide you with care, providing support without exploiting your emotions. In my work, I emphasize consent, and during reading, I check in and ask how the client is doing, and ask permission to proceed or direction on where they would like the conversation to further go.