2018 to 2019: Ring Out The Old, Ring In The New
Empty glasses are scattered around, evidence of the mirth in our home these past few days. Messes were made; every pan, wooden spoon, and bowl in the kitchen was used. Today, with strong tea, was a cozy day in, the kids out to play since Vancouver is having a mild winter so far, and the adults at home (my partner and I), are transforming leftovers into soup, lazily reading new books, and leisurely packing for some days away in the woods, with the laundry machine's hum as a playlist of sorts.
Being the ritualist that I am, I am also considering how to bring in 2019. Which elements to weave in? Which spirit allies to name and invite? How to write my intentions, held carefully on sacred paper? This can't fully happen until I tune in and contemplate about 2018. 2018, for me, was marked by a bursting heart and outrageous manifesting. A year full of surprises - terrifying, joyous, fulfilling. It was the year where I said goodbye to my day job, and leapt into the unknown. The year, if I were to define it as the Earth Dog year (not to truly end until the beginning of February to welcome in the year of Earth Pig, or Earth Boar, as some call it), was also defined by an increase of self-attunement, to self-dote and offer tenderness, clarity and breakthroughs, and even some luck. I felt held and seen, and I also had the immense privilege to hold and see others. As a recovering perfectionist, I learned to let go, let be, and let flow. Life is so much better without the strive towards perfection; rather, it’s an openness towards wholeness. Through embracing the whole human of myself, I released impoverished mindsets. In 2018, I danced til dawn to the Full Moon on a number of occasions, made time for what really mattered and continues to matter. And of course, the 'what' that matters are actually 'who's. I softened, and in the areas that were hardened, I discovered that the hardness was pain that turned to gold. 2018 was a remarkable realization of just how much I had outgrown 2017. And while all the aforementioned centred around me (I can only speak from my perspective, after all), 2018's glory must be credited to people. Right people, right heart-place, right time. People who defy the coldness and the vacancy of unexamined, narcissistic, half-asleep lives. People who understand the value of a 5 minute long hug, who listen rather than who are impatiently waiting to speak, people who lovingly challenge because they believe and refuse to let fear make the final call, people who spread hurt-so-good laughter, people who invited and included, people who smile with every living cell, people who live what they say. Some were family or friends, many were clients, others strangers.
Ceremonie turned 3 a few days ago, on Boxing Day. As she enters into this year of being three, I am reminded of the Empress archetype in Tarot. Her corresponding number within the Major Arcana is three. Combining the fertile, nurturing Empress' energy with the warm, prosperous Earth Pig, I'd like to share my intentions for 2019. I am sharing because my life and my one-woman-company isn't just about me. Ceremonie is about CONNECTIONS - people, spirits, and the mystery of ALL THAT IS. This is why I am here.
Here goes…
May the year 2019 be salt-of-the-earth good.
May we be real, and experience authenticity's freedom.
May luck be waiting for us, and follow us, too.
May the year come with a few happy surprises.
May we learn to be children again.
May we mother and father ourselves in the ways our hearts ache for.
May we honour the Divine Feminine in ALL and also nourish the Divine Masculine in ALL. He is needing Her love. We are needing Their love.
May we ride the beautiful, wild waves of flow.
May we be free to make mistakes - not ones of devastation, but worthwhile mistakes, so we learn and grow.
May we have all that we need, and have some extra to share. Even though abundance mindset says we can have our cake and eat it, too, it's far more meaningful to have our cake, and to share it. A bite of sweetness is more pleasurable than a plateful, when shared with people who ARE the sweetness of life.
May we not get sucked up into social media seduction. Conscious living cannot be defined by popularity, by pretty packages and pretty feeds, by the poetic words, by things and more things, or trips and more trips. May we commit to see and resist illusions. Illusions fuck with our heads and mute our hearts.
May we have the strength to say NO and YES, and the wisdom to know when to say what.
May we know our personal worth — unchangeable and eternal.
May we check ourselves; because there is a BIG difference between deserving and entitlement.
May we meet challenges with courage. And when we don’t understand, lean in with curiosity.
May we not make any more excuses. Let's be radically accountable.
May we attend to our gut's biodiversity AND our communities' diversity. Our health depends on both.
May the loving spirits guides and our ancestors hold us and lead the way. May we honour them and make them proud.
May we make new friends and extend our family.
If you follow this feed, and we haven't yet met in person, I hope we do that in 2019. Better yet - not hope - I look forward to meeting/serving you in 2019. I can’t wait to expand the Universe together.
Ready for 2019.
Mimi Young founder and Spirit Communicator
Image credit: Iulia Agnew for Ceremonie